Love My Way: The Best in Film of 2017

20180222_221510.png2017 was kind of a bad year for humanity, and it really wasn’t an especially good one on a personal level either (to put it mildly). So more than ever, the movies became an escape. I wouldn’t just watch anything that I came across, I looked for things that would either make me feel good, end at the very leadt on hopeful note, or somehow enrich me.

I found all this, even in the most unlikely places. Mudbound was not so something that I would have anticipated this particular year, but went ahead and watched it because it was a Dee Rees film. It was not an easy sit, but by the end, although it obviously didn’t change me, I felt like I had a new valuable experience in my life. I even found value in something like Home Again. I can see the problems that people who dislike it have with it, but my viewing experience during a particularly bad day was so much fun that I couldn’t help but fall for it. Continue reading

The Cinematic Highlights of July 2014

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And thus July came and went. It was one of my better months when it comes to movie watching despite the fact that I only had 16 first-time viewings and about three re-watches (there may be more that I forgot to log). It was also my most-varied month in a while as I watched more non-recent films than I usually do, mainly due to the Barnes & Noble Criterion sale (which I spent too much money on). So, yeah, read on to see my top 10 of the year and the other shenanigans.  Continue reading